The quaint town of Rural and the flowery beauty of Hartman Creek in August made lovely backdrops for Elizabeth’s senior session. Isn’t she just adorable! This session was pretty fun. We started in Rural and Elizabeth was barefoot before too long. Down the road a tad we stopped at a flower field before even getting […]

September 22, 2020

Cody’s senior session had to have football and it had to have his car. Two very important things in life. We started at Comet Field where we figured out how to move the soccer nets so I know how to do that now. Always learning over here! We did a few of my go to […]

September 21, 2020

Kendall’s senior session at Grandma’s fit her style and retro vibe perfectly! Kendall is all giggles and joy from the instant you meet her. It turned out that Grandma’s house where she wanted her photos done was right down the road from my house, like 1 mile. It’s always fun to see the backyards of […]

September 17, 2020

This short and sweet session with Savannah was simply stunning. 45 minutes with Savannah and we got so much good stuff! I mean really, she’s gorgeous so that’s one bonus. We had an evening with great light and plenty of natural diffusers and reflectors so that’s a second bonus. The combination of those two things […]

September 3, 2020