A senior session at the fairgrounds in Rosholt.
We dodged some icky weather with this one! As we were headed to Mason’s session Verena and I were watching a wall of water coming at us. I love when the rain is so defined you can actually see it coming. It’s just one of those cool things. Plus it wasn’t worrying since radar said it wouldn’t last. By the time we were done getting the wardrobe plan in place the rain had passed and we were ready to shoot!
New places make me happy. We were at the Rosholt Fairgrounds for this one. I had been there before but always at night for events. I had no idea they had a little old time village there. Points to mom Renee for suggesting it!
I don’t think it’s in Mason’s DNA to be super excited for photos but he was kind enough to humor me through about 3 “one more spots”. And it was his birthday! And they’re in the middle of a remodel at their house, which I know from experience – lots of experience – makes everything a little harder. It’s just harder to find anything. He and mom did an excellent job and I hope they had some fun while doing it!

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