One final Best of post from the 2021 season – Engagements! Let me put in a plug for engagement sessions here: they are IMPORTANT! I include an engagement session in both my wedding collections and there’s a good reason for that. You need it. I need it. Your wedding day will go so much better […]

February 5, 2022

The skies were threatening rain when we started this fall engagement session but we stayed dry and even found some fall color! October, I tell ya. We’ve been spoiled with the temps this year (though I am ready for a good skeeter killing frost). You just never know though about the rain. Early and mid […]

October 18, 2021

The sun finally made an appearance for Lexi and Michael’s fall engagement session in Waupaca. October always brings this – a stretch of dreary rainy weather right in the middle of busy season. I thought today was going be another one of them and I was kind of bummed. I really wanted a sunny night. […]

October 14, 2021

A dreary fall engagement session with colorful leaves and a front yard campfire. Kalyn and Josh may not have had a bright and sunny day for their engagement but we got beautiful images anyway! It’s a small world here in Central Wisconsin. These two live just down the road from my last house, they got […]

October 7, 2021