Carter’s senior session in downtown Waupaca and on the Chain O’ Lakes.
There were lots of good things about this session, but we definitely ended on a high note. Let’s still start at the beginning though shall we?
Downtown Waupaca has so many different wall textures and places to make great senior photos. I love shooting there and Carter’s session was no disappointment. Walking around just a couple blocks gave us everything leading up to the work truck.
The work truck. How many seniors do you know that really enjoy their job and want it incorporated into their session. I think that says something real good about a kid. Carter’s been working for the city for a couple years and had to don the blaze orange and workboots for a few. But we couldn’t stay long there – we had a boat to get to!
Carter loves fishing and his boat. Little bro says he’s out shining that thing up every night unless he’s got it in the water fishing. How do I know that? And how did we get these shots in the middle of the lake? Me and my wobbly knees got to ride in a little jonboat with Carter’s younger brother playing captain. You might think there was fog rolling with some of the shots having that smoke on the water. No, that was actual smoke on the water from the jonboat motor. Hey, it kept the bugs away! How perfect is it to have a shot boating into a sunset sky for this album?
This was a really fun night! It’s always a little extra special to do something unique and different. This is why I love what I do, never a dull moment!

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