Verena’s senior session at Jorgens Park and around the home farm.
Earlier this summer I got to spend an evening with the lovely Verena B for her senior session! Extra exciting for me since you know, she’s my niece and all. (Side note – two nieces married this year and one with senior pictures. That’s all the nieces on my side!) This girl is awesome. She just wants to be around the farm, but she’ll let the girly side out a tiny bit now and then. Hence the fun sleeves. I love that bell sleeves and wide legs are coming back!!
We wandered around through the damp grass and fields at her house a bit before heading to Jorgens. Farm kid needs a big red barn right? Then we went to the farm where her dad (Brother John to me) and brother had the steer ready for a quick pic with him. Thankfully he didn’t sneeze or cough cud on her!
The best was after that and walking around the fields and the hay bales. I think these round bale shots are some of my favorite of all summer! The light was beautiful, the colors were perfect. Verena did make it through all the smiling even though she’s “not used to smiling this much”. A few more as we made our way back to the front and we wrapped up this beautiful night. It was a good one for sure!

The soybean pictures are so fun!!!