A simple wedding at their house suited these two perfectly!
Miranda and Hans had a pretty big summer. They decided to purchase their new-to-them house which previously was his Grandma’s. At the end of July Hans popped the question and she said yes! Then a few weeks later they decided they really didn’t want to wait to be officially Mr. and Mrs. so they called the minister and got their wedding on the calendar. In 10 days.
10. Days.
I had left what turned out to be the wedding day open because we had plans that evening. But she needed a photographer for just a few hours so it worked out! I’m so honored I got to be one of the few who was part of their day!
The ceremony was sweet and meaningful. They don’t have wedding bands yet so they had a tree planting ceremony. No, she wasn’t wielding a shovel in her dress. They’ll plant it later but the sentiment was just lovely. During the ceremony Miranda’s 13 year old Border Collie, Chase went and laid right up by them and it was perfect. His bandana said “I loved her first”. Adorable!
After the ceremony, which luckily did not get rained out, we did a bunch of group photos and that was good. They all went to dinner at Simpson’s (good choice by the way) and I went home to get a sneak peek on before going to my thing!
If we’ve learned anything the last 6 months it’s that plans change constantly and we don’t have to put off the special until the perfect time. This wedding really showcased that sentiment.
It just occurred to me, I delivered their wedding photos to them 2 weeks to the day after their wedding. Which is not long for wedding photos, but still longer than it took them to plan the wedding! Ah, the energy of the young!

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