A Christmas greeting for the year of 2022 from the Jensens and Rachel Jensen Photography.
Merry Christmas! The big day is almost here and I’m sure for some of you the festivities have already begun! We have a family Christmas today, tomorrow is just my little clan and then the whole Bartel crew is coming to my house on Christmas Day!
Of course I gotta share some photos of the year with ya! Don’t judge my photography skill on these though – a lot of them are straight of the phone. Some of them not even my phone. They’re just for fun cuz you know me, I am NOT a perfectionist!
I think last year I put a straight up copy of my Christmas letter in the blog post. Yes – I write an actual Christmas letter and mail it out with my cards. I’m gonna keep it short for you though this year and do a bit of a highlight reel. Here we go!
The Overview – We moved into our new house in June. Lovin’ that so much! Still lots to do outside in the spring and my office is still not quite there but we’re finally home. Josh is still at his job and we’ve still got just a few beef cows. 2 steers will be goin to market in July btw if you wanna fill a freezer! I am obviously still at the photography biz with some big plans and big changes coming for next year. Winter is never quite the break I plan on:)
The Littles – Getting to be not so little on the older end. Mads is 9, in 3rd grade and still has his dimples! He loved playing baseball this summer and is very happy he now has cats in the hay shed. Beau is 7, in 2nd grade and is my social guy. He is the best big brother and can’t wait to have a lawn to mow this summer. We’ll see how long that lasts. Levi is 3. I can’t quite believe that! He started preschool and has spent about half the year pretending to be a dinosaur. He’s a crazy ham and has the best laugh!
The Critters – Shelby is the border collie. She’s a little overweight. She’s annoying. But she’s pretty and she likes having some trails to go on walks with me. Walter – aka Brick Brain – is our great big lovable idiot. With all the space he has now to play his inner puppy even shows sometimes. 140 pounds with wolf paws running around can be a little tough on the yard but he loves it.
All in all 2022 has been a pretty good year. Another one full of change which seems to always be our story, but we are finally settling in and ready for the next year of life!
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