Josh’s proposal to Ciera veiled as a quick little mini session on a lovely fall day!
Phew, we pulled it off without being totally found out! A couple months ago was Hannah and Charles’s wedding. Ciera is Charles’s sister and was also the Maid of Honor. Her boyfriend Josh was also in the wedding and I had talked with him and some of the other guys for a bit as we were waiting for everyone to get there for pictures. I’m horrible at remembering names right away but since I’m married to a Josh, this one stuck.
Maybe a month or so later I answered a phone call from a number I didn’t know. It was Josh, and he was trying to figure out how to set up a photo session at which he wanted to propose to Ciera! I was so excited and we eventually decided to use my fall mini sessions as a cover.
It all went as planned and it was so sweet to be able to capture! Most of it is not my story to tell so I won’t blab on and on. There was a “is this real?” moment that was just the cutest! And the ring – is a SAPPHIRE! I love when people break tradition. There’s no law that says it has to be diamonds people.
Congratulations Josh and Ciera!!!

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