Ethan’s classic county senior session with bow-hunting and his good old Chevy truck.
This is it, my last senior session of the year (besides all the mini sessions I have coming up). I got to meet Ethan once already when he was along for a friend’s senior session. So we really jumped right in to photos because he had already heard all the info I share with people right away and kind of knew how I shoot. I think that worked out well for him because in classic guy style, pictures are “not his thing”.
As is often the case though, let those guys have stuff in their pictures that are their thing and it will all be okay. We started out with the bow by what was left of their deer corn field. Then stopped down by the neighbors who kindly let us use their barn and yard for some shots.
A quick stop down by Cobbtown and we wrapped up. The gnats were making it nearly impossible to talk most of the time. I am so happy fall is here now and gnats are not swarming every session. I’m sure the arrival of bow season has made Ethan happy too.
Now don’t fret about this being the last senior. My seniors with mini sessions coming will have those shared and I have a number of weddings coming up this fall I can’t wait to share with you!
For now, enjoy these favorites from Ethan’s senior session!

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