Celebrating 50 years of marriage with Berrens Family Photos – all 22 members! Jeff and Jackie have been married for 50 years! First and foremost let’s pause for applause on that one! The last whole family photo was about 8 years ago so it was definitely time for an update. I met with Jackie at […]

July 7, 2024

Madelyn and Matthew are engaged and their wedding is coming up quick! Next month they’ll be Mr. and Mrs.! We took awhile to get this one on the books since the weather kept fighting us. We finally got a night with beautiful weather! Grandma and Grandpa’s was the perfect setting. And Magnum and Kota kept […]

June 25, 2024

My three favorite images from each senior session with Rachel Jensen Photography in 2023! It’s time to show off the Class of 2024! We’re in the lull between the excitement of starting senior year and the build up to graduation day. These seniors were all so much fun to work with and I hope they’re […]

January 10, 2024

Favorite wedding portraits and shots of 2023 weddings from Rachel Jensen Photography. It’s that time of year! 2023 is all in the past so it’s high time I look back on some of my favorite moments and shots of the year. I kept it at 7 weddings last year and I loved every single one […]

January 2, 2024